連載企画「TIER IV PEOPLE」今回は、車両開発のプロジェクトマネージャーを務める山下にインタビューを行いました。「人のために役立つ仕事がしたい」という信念の下、自動運転技術の社会実装に向けてEV車両開発プロジェクトをリードするエンジニアが会社や仕事への思いを語ります。
Exploring autonomous vehicle development frontiers: A conversation with TIER IV’s project manager!
Our latest interview for TIER IV PEOPLE is with Akinari Yamashita, Project Manager of Vehicle Development. With the belief of “I want to work on something that benefits society”.
AWFのTechnical Steering Committeeの委員長であるティアフォーの満留諒介と、AWFのアーキテクトであるLeo DriveのM. Fatih Ciritの対談をお届けします。
A deep dive into communication and collaboration within the Autoware Community
In our latest interview of TIERIV People, we delve into a conversation between Ryohsuke Mitsudome, Technical Steering Committee Chair of AWF, from TIER IV, and M. Fatih Cirit, AWF Architect from Leo Drive. Together, they provide insights into the dynamic partnership, highlighting their shared pursuit of excellence in AD technology.
System Software Team x CTO 座談会 【前編】
ティアフォー高野率いる System SoftwareチームとCTOが、自社オペレーティングシステム(OS)開発、形式検証といった「低レイヤ」の面白さをテーマに語り合いました。
Inside the World of Autonomous Driving Development
Our latest interview for TIERIV People is with Kazunari KAWABATA, the project leader behind our cutting-edge on-board proprietary camera and the Autonomous Driving Development Kit (ADK). An engineer known for fearlessly taking on challenges, he shares his thoughts about TIER IV, his work, and the future where TIER IV’s autonomous vehicles run along streets worldwide.
New technology, new challenges: Designing an autonomous driving future with Autoware
We interviewed TIER IV’s first employee, Yusuke FUJII. Yusuke shared with us why he joined TIER IV, the changes he’s seen in his time here since its founding, and what he personally envisions for its future.
Behind the Scenes of Autonomous Driving Research at TIER IV
Behind the Scenes of Autonomous Driving Research at TIER IV